I came across this Bible verse today and was reminded of the time I heard it read aloud at a wedding and commented upon later by the priest during his homily. His advice to the couple - to all of us - was, "Keep this verse by your bed and read it every night, with one difference: put in your own name wherever it says 'love'."
Try it yourself, and see if you don't feel like you've looked in a mirror to find that warts have sprouted all over your face. It can give you a nasty shock at first - but seeing the warts is the first step towards removing them. That's what examining our conscience is all about.
And whatever we have on our conscience, let's remember this season is all about renewal and revival - a great time to begin again. If Mr. Pat Barker could make the effort to make things right with his life, then so can we. Read his story here for a dose of inspiration.

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