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Feather moon - chosen to be published in the Best of 2010 Photographers' Boulevard Anthology

Funky building, downtown Vancouver

Yaletown fountain

Leaf-shaped fountain

Vancouver on a gloriously sunny day

Urban Jungle #2

Urban Jungle #1

Time unfolds the petals for our eyes to see. ~ Vienna Teng

The reason why I'm now thinking of strawberries and cream....

The tree at my morning bus stop. It began putting out tiny new leaves about two weeks ago, and look how big they are now.

What looks like a bead of amber or blown glass is actually a drop of caramelized sugar that cooled and hardened in mid-air.

A perfect bead of - amber? Tune in tomorrow to find out...

Our creamy pink and yellow rhododendron is blooming. And today I found this lovely passage in an essay by Thomas Overbury: She dares go alone...and fears no evil, because she means none: yet to say the truth, she is never alone, for she is still accompanied by old songs, honest thoughts, and prayers...Thus lives she, and all her care is that she may die in the spring time, to have store of flowers stuck upon her winding-sheet.

This is my favourite building in downtown Vancouver: the Central Library. Cool architecture outside, thousands of books inside: what's not to love?

A gorgeous spring day here in Vancouver. I sat under these flowering trees at lunch time and spent a few moments just watching the petals drift down.